Step 1 - Shake
We have a machine dedicated to literally shake the tree. This is used to shake any dead needles/leaves off the tree as well as any other “wild” objects that may be in the tree.
This is an important step in the tree selection process. You will have less clean up when you get the tree in your house.

Step 2 - Bore
The borer is the easy way to put a hole in the bottom of the tree trunk.
This is important to do for any tree stand that requires a hole in the center of the trunk.
We always make sure there is a fresh cut before using the borer in order to keep sap from building up.

Step 3 - Bale
The baler is the last step in the tree selection process and turns the wide and sometimes cumbersome tree into a tight and narrow item able to fit in tighter spaces.
Once you get the tree home and in the stand (if not already in the stand) you simply cut the netting down the front of the tree and voila your perfect tree is ready for decoration!